Photo Scanning Plus Organizing
So Much More Than Just Photo Scanning!
Unbox Your Photos!
That box holdsMEMORIES, STORIES, and a PRICELESS GIFT for future generations

Photo Scanning
is only the first stepPhoto Organizing
includes adding searchable:Dates, Names, Places, & Stories
Preserve Your Family Legacy
Let Your Photos Tell a Story
Dates, names and other information is added to a scanned photo's digital file. I work with my clients to gather this information.That information is searchable, so you can find photos of a person, a place or an event.
Scanning is Only One Step
Scanning preserves the image, but not the information. I add value to your photos and preserve information for future generations.Sample Photo Information Screen
This sample photo is from the screen of free photo software I recommend. When you view your photos using that software, you can choose to view information about the photo. The information is displayed under the photo.The visible information includes: the date the photo was taken, keywords, and a description.
I guide my clients through the process of choosing keywords and adding dates. Often a date is not known, so a best guess is just fine!
Sample Photo Information Screen


Colour Improvement Always Included
Photo scanning services include improving the look of photos. Photos often become yellowed, faded, or discoloured.This is not complete image restoration. If you want to frame a treasured photo, consider having the digital image professionally edited. You will receive unedited and colour-improved versions of all your images.